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From theseas!Princeton.EDU!cek Mon, 18 Jul 94 15:48:55 EET
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Remailed-Date: Mon Jul 18 03:28:54 EDT 1994
From: Thomas Mueller AKA Howie <tmueller@ira.uka.de>
To: rayshade-users@cs.Princeton.EDU
Subject: csg with more then 2 objects
Finally I was so tired of writing those deeply nested csg specifications that
I have fixed the problem. If you want this too, simply replace the function
CsgConvert in libray/libobj/csg.c with the code at the end of this mail.
The new version of CsgConvert transforms a construct like
union obj1 obj2 obj3 end
union union obj1 obj2 end obj3 end
in terms of internal data structures.
CsgConvert(csg, list)
Csg *csg;
Geom *list;
static int OpenAdvised = FALSE;
int prims = 0;
if (!list || !list->next) {
RLerror(RL_WARN, "CSG needs at least two objects.\n");
return 0;
* Things are put into lists backwards....
csg->obj2 = list;
if (!list->methods->closed && !OpenAdvised) {
RLerror(RL_ADVISE, "Performing CSG with non-closed object(s).\n");
OpenAdvised = TRUE;
prims += list->prims;
list = list->next;
while (list->next) {
csg->obj1 = GeomCsgCreate(csg->operator);
csg = (Csg*)csg->obj1->obj;
csg->obj2 = list;
if (!list->methods->closed && !OpenAdvised) {
RLerror(RL_ADVISE, "Performing CSG with non-closed object(s).\n");
OpenAdvised = TRUE;
prims += list->prims;
list = list->next;
csg->obj1 = list;
if (!list->methods->closed && !OpenAdvised) {
RLerror(RL_ADVISE, "Performing CSG with non-closed object(s).\n");
OpenAdvised = TRUE;
prims += list->prims;
return prims;
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